#HumansOfPRSSA Press Release
UVU PRSSA Launches #HumansofPRSSA Social Media Campaign
UVU Joins National PRSSA in Member Diversity Awareness Campaign
Orem, Utah, October 7, 2016 – Utah Valley University’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), recently launched a social media campaign, #HumansofPRSSA, to increase awareness of diversity within their school’s PRSSA organization, and the organization’s impact on member’s lives. Highlighted members are asked how they discovered the field of public relations, how they came to be interested in it, and how their membership and involvement in PRSSA has influenced their academic, social and professional skills. Along with a text explanation, the article consists of a photo that allows for social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to easily access the #HumansofPRSSA post.
View #HumansofPRSSA posts at: http://www.instagram.com/uvuprssa
“Encouraging others to share from their own perspective about why they are unique helps us to better recognize what we have in common and what makes us diverse…This month, PRSSA will launch its #HumansofPRSSA social media campaign designed to help students develop a better understanding of diversity. As you see members of PRSSA in the spotlight and notice the general, obvious characteristics in regard to identity, age, ethnicity or school, be sure to read between the lines of their stories and words to understand what makes each individual unique and diverse,” said Andrew Cook, PRSSA 2016–2017 National Vice President of Advocacy.
Based off the popular “Humans of New York” blog, the campaign #HumansofPRSSA highlights the stories of individuals’ journeys into the PR world. Students, non-students, members of PRSSA, non-members, and everyone following UVU PRSSA on their social media platforms will be better able to know and understand the diversity of the members from UVU PRSSA. Posts will highlight:
• Discovery. Members will enlighten readers of how they discovered their love for the PR industry, as well as how they found themselves as members of their local PRSSA chapters.
• Decision. Those highlighted will share their thought process of and why they decided on public relations.
• Opportunity. This portion allows members to tell of their experiences, as well as the opportunities that being a member of PRSSA has given them.
“Much like the National Board, we want to recognize our amazing members and give everyone the opportunity to get to know them and their story.” said Wade Draper, Vice President of Advocacy for UVU PRSSA.
Additional Resources:
• Facebook: www.facebook.com/prssa.uvu
• Twitter: twitter.com/UVUPRSSA
• Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCNpY7DtLF4j6X6G344Pl10w
• Website: http://www.uvuprssa.org/
UVU’s chapter of PRSSA was established in October of 2009. In a short seven years, their chapter has more than 140 active students within our university and has received local, state and national recognition. By 2013 they had received the National Outstanding Chapter award. In addition to holding monthly professional development activities and programs, UVU PRSSA has received four Golden Spike Awards, including Best of Show and Utah’s Top PR Industry award. UVU’s chapter of PRSSA is integrated within UVU and its surrounding communities through service projects and professional development excursions.
For more information, contact:
Kate Simpson
UVU PRSSA, Editorial Board
Telephone: 801-643-6821
Email: kate@ktownsimpsons.com
Wade Draper
UVU PRSSA, Vice President of Advocacy
Email: wade.draper44@gmail.com