Enclosed are the following items to help you prepare to run for office:

●      List of open positions

●      FAQs

●      Qualifications

●      Election Application Checklist

●      Election Application Instructions

●      Executive Board Position Descriptions

2024-2025 Executive Board Elections

Thank you for your interest in applying and running to be an Executive Board Member of the UVU PRSSA Chapter. Being a member of the Executive Board opens doors to networking, career opportunities, leadership experience, and lots of fun!

Apply for a Position on the 2024-2025 Executive Board

Fill out the form below to apply. Find information on each of the open positions at the bottom of this page.

2024-2025 Open Positions:


Executive Vice President

VP of Events

VP of Administration and Financials

VP of Member Services

VP of Service and Community Outreach

VP of Communication

VP of Professional Development


To run for office, a candidate for the Executive Board must:

●      Be a current paid PRSSA member in good standing

●      Have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA

●      Be able to maintain PRSSA membership for the duration of his/her term

●      Be a full-time student from the time he or she is elected to at least the completion of Fall semester (candidates for the office of President and Vice President must be a full-time student during the fall/spring semester of his/her term)

●      Agree to fulfill the responsibilities of his/her respective office

●   Be available to attend Executive Board meetings.

●      Complete the application below:

Executive Board Application

Please apply through the link provided below:


If the link does not work, please use the following form:


Executive Board Election FAQs


How many UVU students serve on the UVU PRSSA Executive Board?

5-8 students will serve on the 2024-2025 Executive Board.

If elected, how long would I serve?

Your length of service will start June 1, 2023 (or when you apply and are approved by the board) and will last the entire Fall and Spring Semester of 2024-2025.

What is the time commitment for being on Executive Board?

You should plan on committing 5 hours a week minimum for PRSSA.  The Executive Board will meet once a week. To fulfill the responsibilities of the office, work and projects will be required out of class. If you’re concerned about the time commitment, it’s best to ask the current Executive Board member what amount of time they spend in their position.  Needless to say to be a successful executive board member, you must be able to manage your time well. Executive meetings occur regularly according to the groups schedule.

If elected, do I get academic credit?

Yes. All Executive Board members are required to enroll in the academic course COMM4250: Communication and Leadership in Fall 2023 (3 credits, Mon. and Wed. from 2:30 to 3:45, Professor Meghana Rawat. Exception: If you join after the fall semester begins and cannot enroll in the class, you will be excused from taking the class and not receive academic credit.

I just joined PRSSA this year, should I still apply?

Absolutely! We are happy to have new members apply for executive board positions and have several ready to be filled for 2024-2025.  If you have an interest in PRSSA and have shown your interest by getting involved in the chapter, you’re welcome to apply.

I’m just a Freshman.  Can I still run for office?

One of our current goals is to increase the activity of our younger members to build a strong group of leaders for the future of the organization. Go for it!

What do you look for in an executive board applicant?

We want you to be qualified, but more than anything we want to hear ideas. We try our best to make PRSSA the best organization on campus, but we know there’s always room for improvement. We’re not a group that sticks to doing the exact same thing every year. Sharing new ideas for the position you’re interested in will show us that you’re an innovative thinker. We also look for members that have shown an interest in PRSSA by getting involved and have the qualities of a good leader. We aim for diversity and inclusion and welcome all to apply!

How are board members chosen?

  PRSSA members will vote on election night, and the candidate with the most votes wins. To fill in positions throughout the school year, a person may apply by filling out the application above. The president will set up an interview with the applicant to discuss the responsibilities of the position. Afterward, the applicant will be presented to the board, which must have a 2/3 majority vote in order to appoint the person to the position.

If I run and am not elected, can I run for a different position?

You bet. When filling out the application form you can apply for two positions. For the positions in which you apply, you must meet one-on-one with the current presidency members for each position in which you are applying before submitting your application. If you are not elected for the first position you may run for the second.

Who can vote?       

Current PRSSA members may vote. Those who vote must be in attendance during the election.

What can I do and cannot do while campaigning for office?

Slander, negative comments about candidates, and other negative campaign practices are not allowed.  Using the PRSSA membership list is not allowed, however, you may appropriately use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.  Remember, face-to-face communication is the most effective method of communication so talk it up with your friends and in your classes. 


Election Application Checklist

❏      Be a current paid member of PRSSA.

❏      Read the descriptions thoroughly and select the position(s) for which you would like to serve.

❏      Meet with the current Executive Board member you would like to replace before submitting your application. The current Board Members’ information is below.

❏     To run/apply for the UVUPRSSA Executive board submit a professional headshot and biography that includes your qualifications for the position(s) ( you can run for multiple positions and no prior experience is required to run either) and what you hope to achieve if elected (200 words max) to 10944658@uvu.edu.

PRSSA Executive Board Position Descriptions and Contact Information

Below is a brief description of each position. To learn more about the position, please contact the person currently in the position. If there is no person in the position, contact the president. For help in your application process, or to learn more about a position, feel free to contact any of the current board members below.



Executive Board

PRESIDENT: Amanda Flinders

  • Motivate fellow PRSSA leaders and general PRSSA members through an enthusiastic attitude about PRSSA

  • Direct overall operations of Chapter

  • Be enrolled as a UVU student during the fall and spring semesters

  • Preside at all membership and executive board meetings

  • Attend and represent UVU at national PRSSA events including the National Assembly, Leadership Rally, and National Conference

  • Delegate and oversee the responsibilities of VPs, directors, and committees

  • Recommend and establish Chapter goals and objectives with the approval of membership, faculty, and professional advisers

  • Support all other PRSSA members in their positions and assist with any extra needed projects


Motivate fellow PRSSA leaders and general PRSSA members through an enthusiastic attitude about PRSSA

  • Oversee the development and editing of all PRSSA press releases

  • Create a strategic outreach campaign for all PRSSA events, campaigns and opportunities

    • Oversee the implementation of these outreach efforts, (i.e. hanging posters, delivering fliers, digital signage etc.)

  • Develop relationships and contracts with the UVU Review and other location media outlets

  • Send a concise report of all PRSSA events and efforts to Nationals

  • Oversee PRSSA Editorial Committee together with PRSSA Historian

  • Support all other PRSSA members in their positions and assist with any extra needed projects

VP of Administration: Carly Behrmann

  • Motivate fellow PRSSA leaders and general PRSSA members through an enthusiastic attitude about PRSSA

  • Keep the Chapter’s charter, other permanent documents, and Chapter Handbook.

  • Prepare Executive Board meeting agendas with the assistance of the president.

  • Take minutes at the Executive Board meeting and distribute the minutes to all members of the board.

  • Notify PRSSA Headquarters and PRSA sponsor Chapters of changes in Chapter leader.

  • Ensure each member of the PRSSA presidency has an up-to-date binder for his/her office.

  • Track member meeting/event attendance, with data received from the UVU Clubs office.

  • Participate in all Chapter meetings and events.

VP OF EVENTS: Open Position!!

Motivate fellow PRSSA leaders and general PRSSA members through an enthusiastic attitude about PRSSA

  • Coordinate all Chapter events

  • Work with University organizations to secure:

    • Venue/Rooms

    • Catering/Food

    • Entertainment

    • The physical layout of the event

  • Plan and take care of all event details, including:

    • Fill out requests through Campus Groups 3-4 weeks in advance through the club's office

    • Decorations and Event Aesthetics

    • Food (on or off campus)

    • Speaker gifts

    • Event assignments for committee members

  • Coordinate with the VP of Public Relations and the VP of Digital Communications on event publicity

  • Book guest speakers and coordinate all details for their media needs, getting their bios, water, etc.

  • Oversee PRSSA Events Committee

  • Support all other PRSSA members in their positions and assist with any extra needed projects


  • Motivate fellow PRSSA leaders and general PRSSA members through an enthusiastic attitude about PRSSA

  • Plan and coordinate at least one on-site PR professional visit per semester for interested PRSSA members

  • Work with the VP of Communication to incorporate PRSSA / PRSA professional development sessions into social media outlets

  • Advertise and promote monthly Utah Valley / Greater Salt Lake City PRSA luncheons to all PRSSA students

  • Create and coordinate a mentor program with PRSA members and UVU PR alumni

  • Maintain UVU PR alumni database

  • Serve as a liaison between past and current members

  • In addition to VP responsibilities, act as Regional Conference Committee and oversee all plans and executions on that effort

  • Support all other PRSSA members in their positions and assist with any extra needed projects


Vice President of Member Services: Kamilla Perez

  • Motivate fellow PRSSA leaders and general PRSSA members through an enthusiastic attitude about PRSSA

  • Send out a welcome letter to each member who signs up for PRSSA

  • Compare and contrast the club’s list with our list to ensure that each member has paid, and each paid member has filled out the membership form

  • Keep membership and email lists organized and up to date

  • Create and send out monthly email blasts

  • Organize and run PRSSA's booth for Club Rush

  • Complete and submit bi-annual national dues and records

  • Develop and oversee a fellowship program where each board member has monthly contact/connection with a section of PRSSA members

  • Support all other PRSSA members in their positions and assist with any extra needed projects



  • Motivate fellow PRSSA leaders and general PRSSA members through an enthusiastic attitude about PRSSA

  • Maintain UVU PRSSA social media accounts

  • Develop a monthly social media calendar for all social media channels

  • Oversee chapter website design and maintenance

  • Assist VP of Media Production with media coverage at events (i.e. film or photography)

  • Work with the Executive Board to inform members about PRSSA events, opportunities and internships via social media

  • Support all other PRSSA members in their positions and assist with any extra needed projects