UVU PRSSA Wins Star Chapter Award at National Conference in Boston

UVU PRSSA Wins Star Chapter Award for Eighth Consecutive Year

Orem, UT - October 13, 2017 - The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) awarded the chapter at Utah Valley University a Star Chapter Award at the PRSSA National Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts on Monday October 8, 2017. This marks the eighth consecutive Star Chapter Award that UVU PRSSA has received.

For more information on the Star Chapter Awards: http://prssa.prsa.org/star-chapter-award/

“I was extremely happy to receive the Star Chapter Award. The UVU chapter has received this prestigious award every year since the chapter was organized and I’m thrilled we could continue that tradition,” UVU PRSSA President Wade Draper said.

The Star Chapter Award is a certificate of recognition for PRSSA chapters that show exceptional performance in developing professionalism in the industry. In order to be eligible to win this award the chapter must perform certain tasks and activities meant to promote PR in the community as well as strengthen the university’s chapter. Draper said their preparation included, “Initiating and completing a community service project, conducting a high school outreach session and confirming that the chapter has applied for at least one national PRSSA award.” These are just a few of many other requirements that the chapter successfully accomplished.

“My goal as president is to continue to increase our chapter’s national presence. By winning these awards I believe we are fulfilling this goal,” Draper said when asked about his goals for the future of PRSSA.


Additional Resources:


UVU’s chapter of PRSSA was established in October of 2009. In a short seven years, their chapter has more than 140 active students within our university and has received local, state and national recognition. In 2013 and 2016, they had received the National Outstanding Chapter award. In addition to holding monthly professional development activities and programs, UVU PRSSA has received four Golden Spike Awards, including Best of Show and Utah’s Top PR Industry award. UVU’s chapter of PRSSA is integrated within UVU and its surrounding communities through service projects and professional development excursions.

Contact Information:

Allison Hurd

UVU PRSSA Editorial Committee

Utah Valley University PRSSA


