Marketers from Top Sports Teams Speak with UVU PRSSA Students
Orem, UT - September 25, 2019 - Marketing managers from Utah’s top sports teams gave advice to members of Utah Valley University’s Public Relations Student Society of America Chapter on Sept. 17, 2019.
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The sports-themed event was the first of the school year and featured a panel of professionals including Laura Tobler from the Utah Jazz, Daniel Rueckert from Real Salt Lake and Connor Cude from the Orem Owlz. Each spoke on how they entered the sports industry and achieved the positions they hold now.
“You get out what you put in,” Cude said. “Work hard, come in early and help in any way you can. Make the best of it.”
While each speaker came from a different professional background, they explained that passion for the sport and industry brought them to where they are now. The importance of networking was mentioned several times as well as giving your name value so that future employers know they can trust you. “Don’t limit yourself to how you can network,” Tobler said. “Reach out through social media and LinkedIn.”
When asked how to set oneself apart from other applicants, Rueckert suggested, “Be prepared for interviews. Get creative with what you can put in a portfolio, and be confident.”
Additional Resources:
UVU’s chapter of PRSSA was established in October of 2009. In a short seven years, their chapter has more than 100 active students within our university and has received local, state and national recognition. In 2013 and 2016, they had received the National Outstanding Chapter award. In addition to holding monthly professional development activities and programs, UVU PRSSA has received four Golden Spike Awards, including Best of Show and Utah’s Top PR Industry award. UVU’s chapter of PRSSA is integrated within UVU and its surrounding communities through service projects and professional development excursions.
Contact Information:
Allison Hurd
UVU PRSSA VP of Public Relations