Students Learn to Create a Winning Pitch from Local Professionals

OREM, UT - November 15, 2017 - Utah Valley University's chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America (UVU PRSSA) held the event, "Under Pressure: Campaign Competition." Members of PRSSA students competed in creating the best media pitch and advertising campaign in front of a panel of local professionals.

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The students that were competing were doing more than fighting for bragging rights. First, second and third place winners had the opportunity to win gift cards, movie tickets and Bluetooth speakers.

Students were divided into four teams to create a media pitch for the NFL to save their reputation after players began to take a knee during the national anthem. Each team had to come up with a media pitch as if they were writing to a journalist to cover their story and then they had to create an advertising pitch to show their story. The teams were given one hour to create the media and advertisement pitch.

"After this event, I learned the importance of knowing your audience," James Young said, who was on the team that took second place. "We definitely felt under pressure leading up to the pitch, but then we felt confident once we were up there presenting to the panel."

The team that took first placed focused their message on changing the conversation from kneeling football players to becoming a unified city. The team created a commercial advertising pitch of having the Chicago Bears team serve the family of Laquan McDonald, who was killed by police, by remodeling family's home. Their key message was, "Together, we stand for unity. Together we stand for Laquan.”

"Being able to pitch with little to no preparation was exciting," Kevin Maynes said, a member of the first place team. "My biggest takeaway from this is it's important to trust my team. When I did that, we won as a team."


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UVU’s chapter of PRSSA was established in October of 2009. In a short seven years, their chapter has more than 140 active students within the university and has received local, state and national recognition. In 2013 and 2016, they had received the National Outstanding Chapter award. In addition to holding monthly professional development activities and programs, UVU PRSSA has received four Golden Spike Awards, including Best of Show and Utah’sTop PR Industry award. UVU’s chapter of PRSSA is integrated within UVU and its surrounding communities through service projects and professional development excursions.

 Contact Information:

James Sanford

UVU PRSSA Editorial Committee
